+90 212 671 80 65

Thyristor Controlled Galvano Rectifiers, equipped with electronic systems, are devices controlled by Micro Computers, working stable, where all kinds of functional functions can be applied. Aygün Electrical Devices thyristor rectifiers have current and volt control, overcurrent protection, timer, ampere hour meter and error diagnosis as standard.

Appropriate work program is recommended considering the process to be applied. All kinds of flexible working programs can be applied. In current or volt-controlled operation, it reaches the programmed current or voltage in the desired time with a ramp output and goes to the second step, and reaches a different current or voltage in the time defined in the second step.

continues and a different program previously stored in the memory can be called for different products. Depending on demand, anodic and cathodic for electric degreasing baths, for etching and plating for hard chrome applications, it can be applied automatically or manually for the desired number of cycles, continuously alternating polarity polarity features. Compatible with All Automation Systems 0-10V 4-20mA Analogue Reference Pro bus, Pro net, Modbas Ethernet etc. In cooling, it is configured as Wave Wall Honeycomb Boiler with Oil Cooled Water Cooled Or Dry Type Air Fan or air-water / oil-water cooled.


  • Nickel plated
  •  chrome plated
  •  copper plated
  •  Electropolishing
  •  abs coating
  •  degreasing
  •  anodized
  •  Etc. in coating areas






Giriş Faz Sayısı (Input Phase Number)1-3 Faz
Giriş Voltajı (Input Voltage)
Çıkış Voltajı(Output Voltage)
220-380 Volt 220-380 Volt
5-500 Volt
Çıkış Akımı (Output Current)10-50.000 Amper

Çıkış Dalgalanması (Output Ripple)


Soğutma (Cooling)

Hava-Su-Yağ (Air-Water-Oil)

Verim (Efficienc)%90

Çalışma Sıcaklığı (Running Heat)

Programlı Çalışma (Programmed Running)

Her proses için özel çalışma programı (Specific programs for every process)

Transformatör (Transformer)

Yüksek verimli Aygün Transformatör (High-eciency Aygün Transformator)

Uzaktan Kumanda (Remote Control)

Harici operatör paneli RS485 haberleşmeli (Communucative with RS485 external operator panel)

Timer (Timer)

İstenilen sürede çalışmayı sağlayan zamanlayıcı (Timer for running at the given-desired-intended hours)

Amper Saat Metre (Ampere Clock Meter)

Amper/saat- Amper/dakika (Ampere/hour – Ampere /minute)

Isı Koruma (Heat Shield)

Tristör ve diyot grupları üzerinde ısı sensörleri (Heat sensor on diodes and scr groups)

Ölçüm (Measurement)

DC akım/gerilim ölçümü (DC current/voltage measurement)

LCD Ekran (LCD Display)

4x16 karakter, numerik tuş takımı (4x16 characters numeric key set)

Otomasyon (Automation)Modbus, Profinet, Profibus, RS485